Hey Mama,

Has your world been totally rocked by motherhood?

✔️ Do you feel overwhelmed by all the decisions on your plate — decisions about how to best meet both your needs and the needs of your child?

✔️ Are you struggling with some unexpected postpartum challenges — challenges that you wish you could navigate with some quick and clear direction?

✔️ Does the current state of your body throw you off where all your deepest wounds and fears are in your face?

✔️ Are you exhausted, having trouble losing weight, experiencing hormonal symptoms, all while trying everything (though nothing seems to be actually making any difference).

✔️ Are you aware that you don’t know exactly what you need to do (or change) to feel “on top” in your life again?

Think about this:

There are women who train more seriously for a marathon than they do for the physical, emotional, and life-changing transition into motherhood.

Is it possible that Motherhood is the Everest you weren’t prepared for?

Hi, I’m Cynthia

I’m a mother and a Holistic Lifestyle and Exercise Coach for women and mothers. I help women approach training, fitness, health, and mothering, from what I often refer to as the feminine flow. 

Most mothers don’t even know that there’s a path OUTSIDE of mainstream fitness and health advice until they’ve experienced some sort of wake-up call that involves questioning everything. 

For me, discovering how to live differently after the birth of my daughter, changed my entire life. With my readers and my clients, I call my approach living in the feminine. 

Motherhood challenged me, of course, but it also connected me deeper to my body. It opened the door for me to walk a path to even greater health than ever before.

It’s a lie that women can’t have results unless they work themselves to exhaustion, and it’s also a lie that women need to let themselves go to be devoted mothers. 

Over the last 5 years, I have come to understand that motherhood is an invitation for you to shed the lies you’ve been told, release the past, and step into a version of yourself who deeply thrives.

Are you ready…

To trust yourself, your body, and your motherhood journey?

To step forward into wholeness, healing, and the healthy version of motherhood, that deep down, you know you’re capable of?

Are you deeply curious about how to live in harmony with your menstrual cycle — with your womanhood?


The Compass Coaching Call

Find Your Footing and Finally Start Rocking the Fitness Path That’s Right for You in Motherhood 

Here’s how it works:

1. You book your Compass Coaching Call.

2. I send you two important Health and Lifestyle Questionnaires that will allow me to determine your nutrition and lifestyle “top priorities” and to collect info on your blood sugar, stress, hormones, parasites, gut function, digestion, etc. 

3. I prep and review your questionnaires before we hop on the phone.

4. On the call we’ll talk about what your biggest struggles are, and what mental loops your mind is racing through — body stuff, self-worth stuff, workout stuff, nutrition stuff, the decisions you’re making — all of it. 

5. After you share, I’ll support you with immediate direction. Think of this like a power hour call. There’s a lot we can cover in an hour to clear the path that will guide you into health. 

You Could:

✔️ Spend months researching health strategies, eating plans, and workout routines for moms on your own, cross-comparing, and getting started only to find you selected a plan that stresses you out and doesn’t work for you.

✔️ Buy another online course about healing and strengthening only to realize it’s not addressing your body and challenges in the way you thought it would.

✔️ Start working with your average trainer who has you doing heavy lifts and high-intensity workouts without a proper assessment, which can lead to injury and other challenges (that you really don’t need at the moment).

✔️ Buy that gym membership and try to DIY it

✔️ Default to constantly overriding your cycle and your body’s needs in an attempt to “get your body back”

Or, you could…

hop on a call with me before you make a move, so you can have the assurance that you’re headed in the right direction with a strong awareness of the common mistakes new mothers make when they set out to heal and strengthen after the baby.

The Compass Coaching Call

 Find Your Footing and Finally Start Rocking the Fitness Path That’s Right for You in Motherhood

The Compass Coaching Call is designed to jump-start you on your healing path and is an investment of just $189.

I will gather your nutrition, lifestyle, and health information, listen to your unique challenges and then provide you with solid direction as it applies to your health and fitness needs. 

There are a lot of variables in a new mother’s life as she navigates this Rite of Passage that our society likes to ignore: breastfeeding, physiological changes related to pregnancy and birth, hormonal fluctuations, energetic shifts, worldview shifts, and more. 

I’m attuned to those variables (as I have had to navigate that pathway) and I’m trained to serve women who are in the depths of the transition from maiden to mother. 

The Compass Coaching Call is for the woman who is:

  • struggling to find her fitness rhythm in motherhood

  • not sure how to prioritize her health and fitness while meeting her baby’s needs

  • can’t figure out why her core isn’t healing right

  • having an erratic and unpredictable menstrual cycle postpartum

  • is curious HOW to live in harmony with her menstrual cycle and wants to know what that looks like on a day-to-day basis

  • experiencing new health challenges

  • needs help deciding what to eat, and when to eat it, while breastfeeding and implementing a workout rhythm

  • not sure what she needs to do to heal up and feel better, but knows she can’t continue on trying to figure it all out on her own

The Comapss Coaching Call is not for you if:

  • you’re not going to do the work

  • you’re not willing to cook 

  • you’re not willing to surrender or change 

  • you’re not willing to question your relationship with the system (the pediatrician, the mainstream advice or instruction, etc). 

The Compass Coaching Call

is designed to jump-start you on your healing path and is an investment of just $189.

I will gather your nutrition, lifestyle, and health information, listen to your unique challenges and then provide you with solid direction as it applies to your health and fitness needs. 

"I continually consult with Cynthia in all areas regarding my transformation — emotionally, physically and nutritionally!”

— Monica

  • After you book your call you’ll receive an official confirmation of your purchase via email. From there you’ll receive an email with a link to fill out an in-take form and a nutrition and lifestyle questionnaire.

  • Yup. The Compass Coaching Call can be proactive and preventative for you if you’ve not yet given birth. We can 100% work on preparing you for the transition — physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and practically.

  • Honestly, yes — you could still be navigating the shift from Maiden to Mother YEARS into motherhood because you never received the wisdom or guidance you desperately needed.

  • The Compass Coaching Call is a great place to start if you’re curious how to live in harmony with your cycle — what that looks like on a day-to-day basis, how to exercise at different times of your cycle, different workouts, different foods, what practices you need to balance your hormones. Sometimes it's the TIMING of what you're doing that is off and I’d love to help you dial that all in.


The Compass Coaching Call

is designed to jump-start you on your healing path and is an investment of just $189.

I will gather your nutrition, lifestyle, and health information, listen to your unique challenges and then provide you with solid direction as it applies to your health and fitness needs.